Interior Design

Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography
Interior Design Photography

Rua Brito Capelo, 243 Matosinhos, Portugal

ESAD - IDEA - Collaboration in the rehabilitation project of the former Caixa Geral de Matosinhos (Architecture and Interior Design), by Architect Maria Milano. It is a project of the Municipality of Matosinhos, in collaboration with ESAD- Escola Superior de Artes e Design. A cultural space with a regular schedule, which includes a Concept Store, a space for the exhibition and a sale of national and historical products, icons from the history of design, products developed by college students and a research and advanced training center.

Team: Architect Maria Milano, Architect João Cruz, Landscape Architect Alcide Gonçalves, Interior Designer Helena Teixeira, Interior Designer Mónica Couto and Interior Designer Soraia Santos.